Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jasmine's potassium level is stable

Jasmine's potassium level is finally stable with the help of medication. So why are we still in the hospital? 

1. There are still pending blood test results
2. Doctors still couldn't figure out the reasons behind all these (I doubt they will ever find out the reason.....and I surely hope this is not one of the requirement that is retracting us from leaving. Because if it is, we will be here forever)
3. Jasmine has been getting a lot of IV fluid, and it causes her mass on her chest grow bigger. Now the doctor is trying out a new medicine on her for three days, and hopefully it will help decrease the size of the mass.
4. If the medicine doesn't work, then they will perform a procedure on Jasmine. It involves poking several pin size holes on Jasmine's chest; in order to drain out fluid from the mass. (if we have to go to this step, it means we have to stay even longer!)

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