Saturday, November 17, 2012

Seattle Auto Show 2012

My daddy and mommy love cars, but our family had to miss the show last year as I was staying in the hospital during that period of time.  We feel so thankful that this year I'm all healthy and well; therefore, we decide to go to the show as a family.  I was super excited when I see all the cars and I just want to jump into every single one of them ^.^
There were just so much to see and I finally felt into sleep toward the end of the event~~~~I bet this is going to be our annual family event! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Christmas shoe box

Mommy and daddy are trying to teach me the lesson of giving by putting some Christmas gifts into a shoe box and later send it to children in different part of the world.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Meet Keira, my new friend.

Yeah! I have another baby friend beside Oscar.  Introducing Keira!  Mommy thinks is a good chance for me to learn how to be a big sister and to learn how to be gentle to other little kids/babies.