Another tough day..........
Jasmine continues with her tube feeding, but the poor girl throws up at one of the feeding sessions. Then she feels so uncomfortable that she just cries non stop, which scares the heck out of me. At last the nurse calms her down by injecting a stronger pain relief medicine.
After all the drama, I almost have an emotion break down. Fortunately, I have a lot of supportive friends who help me through it, and I'm still alive at this point. During my short break from the hospital, my husband told me that Jasmine's temperature is a bit high. That totally freaks me out again but her temperature is back to normal after 15 mins. Due to cautious reasons, the doctor decides to run a blood test on Jasmine. Poor Jasmine has to suffer four pokes before the nurse could get sufficient blood amount for testing.
Since the mass on Jasmine's neck got larger after the surgery, the doctor has scheduled another MRI tomorrow. I know everyone has been praying hard for Jasmine and our family......don't mind me saying this again and again....please continue to keep our family in prayer. Thank you.