My name is Jasmine and I'm diagnose with Lymphatic Malformation. I'm writing this blog to raise awareness about this medical condition and have you understand me a little bit more.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Pulling myself up
I can pull myself up and stand for a little while with minimal support. Mommy and daddy gave me a lot of kisses after seeing me do that for the first time.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Feeding tube is off
As some of you might have noticed, I'm not wearing the feeding tube anymore. It is because the tube is so annoying that I pulled it out twice in November, and then once in the beginning of Dec. Then daddy decided not to put it back into my little noise and hoped that I would eat by mouth again.
It was a nerve wrecking experience for mommy, as she is strict when it comes to following rules.....the doctors told her that I need to eat 30oz of formula daily then she when I did not meet the requirement the first few days after the tube was out, mommy was freaked out.....then I lost 0.8lb after just three days of pulling out the tube....mommy freaked out again (I mean FREAKED OUT!)
Finally, my parents consulted with the doctors and specialists, and they agreed to have us continue this trial under one condition: A weekly weight check.
I'm slowly picking up with the oral eating routine since then; however, I still think the formula is yucky.
Friday, December 2, 2011
I'm a gamer
Mommy was mad when she saw me holding the Xbox controller and told me that video games are not for babies. Well, I'm not so sure about what mommy said and I think there's gamer blood run inside my body. May be it is inherited from daddy.......hehehehe.....
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
My dog
This is my dog. He is a Beagle and his name is Miu (a Chinese name that my parents gave him, not sure what it means though......) I love to play with him, but he doesn't feel the same way. He usually goes to another room when he hears me cry or weird, but I still love him very much!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Exploring music
I love music and should move my body with the beat. I want to be a musician (well, at least for now........)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Sitting up by myself
Mommy and daddy were screaming when they saw me sitting up by myself. They tell me that they are so proud of me. ^.^
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Mommy's reflection
Mommy and daddy are so happy that I got to go home. Let's the celebration begins!
After staying in the hospital for 31 days, Jasmine finally got discharged on 11/8/11. During this tough time, I have learnt a few very valuable lessons.
--God is in control: I knew this since day 1 when I decided to follow Jesus Christ. However, this experience helps solidify this idea and God reminds me once again who is the boss. God has a blueprint for everyone of us, all we could do is be humble and trust Him that HE will provide the best for us.
--God will make a way: when our family was desperately pleading God to let us go home, HE did not make it happen right away. We were disappointed and frustrated because we did not understand God's plan. God answered our prayer after we stayed in the hospital for 31 days. Miraculously, 31 days is exactly what we need; in order to be eligible for Medicad (health insurance benefit) from the Federal government! Due to my husband's unstable job situation, it is extremely important for Jasmine to have a back up insurance coverage. Praise the Lord, and HE has indeed provided the best for us.
--Be faithful: there were times that I lost faith in God and just wanted to run away from HIM. Thankfully, HE did not let me slip through. I lost my strength and faith during the third week stay in the hospital. I felt so depressed and almost wanted to give up. But God reminds me again and again that I should not give up on HIM, as HE has never given up on me. So I lifted my head up and decided to stay faithful no matter what, then God just took away my depress feeling and allowed me to press on!
--Stop complaining: one day I was chatting with another family in the hospital and I complained that I have already stayed in the hospital for "FOUR" weeks! Then the little girl from the family said, "Four weeks? That's nothing. We have been here for SEVEN months already!". I felt so embarrass at that time, as I thought my life was so miserable that I have to complain about every little things.
--Don't take things for granted: Your health, family, friends...... We should cherish them while we have them.
--God will make a way: when our family was desperately pleading God to let us go home, HE did not make it happen right away. We were disappointed and frustrated because we did not understand God's plan. God answered our prayer after we stayed in the hospital for 31 days. Miraculously, 31 days is exactly what we need; in order to be eligible for Medicad (health insurance benefit) from the Federal government! Due to my husband's unstable job situation, it is extremely important for Jasmine to have a back up insurance coverage. Praise the Lord, and HE has indeed provided the best for us.
--Be faithful: there were times that I lost faith in God and just wanted to run away from HIM. Thankfully, HE did not let me slip through. I lost my strength and faith during the third week stay in the hospital. I felt so depressed and almost wanted to give up. But God reminds me again and again that I should not give up on HIM, as HE has never given up on me. So I lifted my head up and decided to stay faithful no matter what, then God just took away my depress feeling and allowed me to press on!
--Stop complaining: one day I was chatting with another family in the hospital and I complained that I have already stayed in the hospital for "FOUR" weeks! Then the little girl from the family said, "Four weeks? That's nothing. We have been here for SEVEN months already!". I felt so embarrass at that time, as I thought my life was so miserable that I have to complain about every little things.
--Don't take things for granted: Your health, family, friends...... We should cherish them while we have them.
--Express appreciation openly: all our love ones has shown us care and support in all sort of different channels: phone calls, Facebook messages, homemade/delivered meal, soup, dessert, drawings, greeting cards, prayers. Our strength come from all of you, and I sincerely thank you and I don't mind to say it over and over again. I have never experienced so much love, and Jasmine is so lucky to have so many people who love her so much!
Our journey doesn't stop here, so we will continue to seek guidance from God and remain faithful.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Not ready to go home yet
So at last the doctor forbid the idea of sclerotherapy, because Jasmine's drainage output has decreased. Most importantly, Jasmine was actually so active that she had successfully detached the drainage tube from her body.
Without the tube, some of the fluid got collected and created a little bump on her chest. Surgeons and doctors want to keep an eye on it and make sure that it won't grow in size or cause infection. Then the doctors also mention that her immune protein is low and she would need to inject IVIG(immune protein) weekly. How long will the treatment last? We don't really know, as that have to depend on Jasmine's test result. Last but not least, specialist from infection team will try to switch Jasmine's antibiotics from IV to oral. We are not sure when will they begin that switch, but they would need to spend couple days to monitor Jasmine's condition after the switch
With everything mentioned above, it comes to a conclusion that we have to remain in the hospital for a longer period of time.
Besides Jasmine's condition, there are more hardship that had happened recently in our family. Super tough time, but we as a family are keeping our spirit up. We learnt that although we might not understand God's plan, but we can 100% sure that He would only prepare the best things for us. Challenges are not blocking stones to us, instead they should be stepping stones to achieve higher things. Lee's family will not let the devil beat us so easily!!!!!
We are thankful thatJasmine is doing better each day. She is more like her old self now - happy, playful. We are also super thankful that we have a lot of support from family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ. I can never say enough "thank you" to all those lovely people.
Without the tube, some of the fluid got collected and created a little bump on her chest. Surgeons and doctors want to keep an eye on it and make sure that it won't grow in size or cause infection. Then the doctors also mention that her immune protein is low and she would need to inject IVIG(immune protein) weekly. How long will the treatment last? We don't really know, as that have to depend on Jasmine's test result. Last but not least, specialist from infection team will try to switch Jasmine's antibiotics from IV to oral. We are not sure when will they begin that switch, but they would need to spend couple days to monitor Jasmine's condition after the switch
With everything mentioned above, it comes to a conclusion that we have to remain in the hospital for a longer period of time.
Besides Jasmine's condition, there are more hardship that had happened recently in our family. Super tough time, but we as a family are keeping our spirit up. We learnt that although we might not understand God's plan, but we can 100% sure that He would only prepare the best things for us. Challenges are not blocking stones to us, instead they should be stepping stones to achieve higher things. Lee's family will not let the devil beat us so easily!!!!!
We are thankful thatJasmine is doing better each day. She is more like her old self now - happy, playful. We are also super thankful that we have a lot of support from family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ. I can never say enough "thank you" to all those lovely people.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween
I'm feeling a lot better today, and mommy allows me to take over today's post.
Happy Halloween everybody, I'm all dressed up and ready for Trick or Treat. Are you?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Updates 10/27/11
The doctors and us had a conference last Wed and here's their plan:
--continue to perform blood draw and monitor Jasmine's blood test result
--if everything looks good through the weekend, then the doctors will move to the next step: sclerotherapy
Sclerotherapy : using medications to reduce swelling and infection. Sclerosing Agents are injected into certain large cysts to reduce their size. This mean the cysts is not removed, but scars down on itself son that growth stops.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Jasmine's potassium level is stable
Jasmine's potassium level is finally stable with the help of medication. So why are we still in the hospital?
1. There are still pending blood test results
2. Doctors still couldn't figure out the reasons behind all these (I doubt they will ever find out the reason.....and I surely hope this is not one of the requirement that is retracting us from leaving. Because if it is, we will be here forever)
3. Jasmine has been getting a lot of IV fluid, and it causes her mass on her chest grow bigger. Now the doctor is trying out a new medicine on her for three days, and hopefully it will help decrease the size of the mass.
4. If the medicine doesn't work, then they will perform a procedure on Jasmine. It involves poking several pin size holes on Jasmine's chest; in order to drain out fluid from the mass. (if we have to go to this step, it means we have to stay even longer!)
1. There are still pending blood test results
2. Doctors still couldn't figure out the reasons behind all these (I doubt they will ever find out the reason.....and I surely hope this is not one of the requirement that is retracting us from leaving. Because if it is, we will be here forever)
3. Jasmine has been getting a lot of IV fluid, and it causes her mass on her chest grow bigger. Now the doctor is trying out a new medicine on her for three days, and hopefully it will help decrease the size of the mass.
4. If the medicine doesn't work, then they will perform a procedure on Jasmine. It involves poking several pin size holes on Jasmine's chest; in order to drain out fluid from the mass. (if we have to go to this step, it means we have to stay even longer!)
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Is a mystery
We are still in the hospital as Jasmine's potassium level and blood count are not stable. Besides, we still have to wait for the blood test results to come back and hopefully the doctors could figure out the reasons behind all these.
Jasmine is always a mystery to the doctors:
Unknown cause for her lymphatic malfunction
Unknown cause for her unwillingness to eat orally
Unknown cause for her high potassium level and all the other wacky numbers from her blood tests
God's plan is always a mystery to us:
Unknown cause for giving us a baby with special medical need
Unknown cause for letting Jasmine suffer from all the medical procedures
Unknown cause for giving us challenge after challenge
The only "known" factor is LOVE
-endless support and love from:
Brothers and sisters in Christ
Jasmine....even though she has to go through so much, she is a true trooper as she would smile back to us and even comfort us by touching our faces
God.....even though He let us go through so much, He still provide us strength, peacefulness from time to time....Without him, I don't think we will still be alive......
Jasmine is always a mystery to the doctors:
Unknown cause for her lymphatic malfunction
Unknown cause for her unwillingness to eat orally
Unknown cause for her high potassium level and all the other wacky numbers from her blood tests
God's plan is always a mystery to us:
Unknown cause for giving us a baby with special medical need
Unknown cause for letting Jasmine suffer from all the medical procedures
Unknown cause for giving us challenge after challenge
The only "known" factor is LOVE
-endless support and love from:
Brothers and sisters in Christ
Jasmine....even though she has to go through so much, she is a true trooper as she would smile back to us and even comfort us by touching our faces
God.....even though He let us go through so much, He still provide us strength, peacefulness from time to time....Without him, I don't think we will still be alive......
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Jasmine is back in the hospital
10/7 Friday
10am: Follow up appointment & blood test @ Seattle Children's
1pm: Blood test result is back--Potassium level is at risky level, sodium level is low, blood count is low, white blood cell count is super high
2pm: Doctor is very worried about Jasmine's condition and transfer us to the ER
6pm: Have blood transfusion, transfer to ICU
10/7-10: Blood test every six hours. Various tests followed and still couldn't figure out the reason behind the poor blood test result.
Children from our church are so thoughtful, they have sent us a lot of drawings for encouragement.
10/10 afternoon: Transfer to regular room. Blood test twice a day, but still no answer
10/11.........still no answer
10am: Follow up appointment & blood test @ Seattle Children's
1pm: Blood test result is back--Potassium level is at risky level, sodium level is low, blood count is low, white blood cell count is super high
2pm: Doctor is very worried about Jasmine's condition and transfer us to the ER
6pm: Have blood transfusion, transfer to ICU
10/7-10: Blood test every six hours. Various tests followed and still couldn't figure out the reason behind the poor blood test result.
Children from our church are so thoughtful, they have sent us a lot of drawings for encouragement.
10/10 afternoon: Transfer to regular room. Blood test twice a day, but still no answer
10/11.........still no answer
Luckily, our little warrior is still trying her best to keep her spirit up
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
We are home!
Hopefully, she will feel better every day and eventually go back to her old eating habit. Right now, she would only take couple spoonful of baby food and still doesn't want to drink milk from the bottle. As a result,she is still eating through the feeding tube.
Thank you for everyone's continuous support and prayers.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
09/25/11 Jasmine's condition update
My husband and I really miss bringing Jasmine to church for Sunday service. But we are optimistic that we could do it very soon! Since we can't go to church to worship our Lord, daddy decides to do it in the hospital. We read some bible verses, sing some praise songs, and pray together as a family. It is such a joyful and peaceful time.
Jasmine is doing pretty well today except she still hasn't gain any weight back. She is so skinny now that I really hope she could feel more comfortable and start to eat more when we go home.
The only episode that happened today is placing the feeding tube. I was supposed to learn how to do it but I got so emotional even before it has started. At last, I have to step out from the room and have my husband take over . Once again, daddy did an excellent job!
Jasmine is doing pretty well today except she still hasn't gain any weight back. She is so skinny now that I really hope she could feel more comfortable and start to eat more when we go home.
The only episode that happened today is placing the feeding tube. I was supposed to learn how to do it but I got so emotional even before it has started. At last, I have to step out from the room and have my husband take over . Once again, daddy did an excellent job!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
09/24/11 Jasmine's condition update
My weekend plan? Staying in hospital. My next weekend plan? Play and laugh with my little princess at our own home.
The doctors are discussing again if they have to continue monitoring Jasmine in the hospital. If not, she probably can get discharge on Monday.
Feeding pump training-checked
Practice on changing bloody dressing-checked
Putting the feeding tune into Jasmine-um.....TBD....probably tomorrow.....
Above are the three things that parents must learn before Jasmine can be discharged.
Another episode today as Jasmine throws up again after feeding and she has a minor fever but fortunately it is gone after awhile. She is now in a pretty good mood and we really hope that she will keep up the good mood and tolerate all her feedings. So that we could get to go home next week.
The doctors are discussing again if they have to continue monitoring Jasmine in the hospital. If not, she probably can get discharge on Monday.
Feeding pump training-checked
Practice on changing bloody dressing-checked
Putting the feeding tune into Jasmine-um.....TBD....probably tomorrow.....
Above are the three things that parents must learn before Jasmine can be discharged.
Another episode today as Jasmine throws up again after feeding and she has a minor fever but fortunately it is gone after awhile. She is now in a pretty good mood and we really hope that she will keep up the good mood and tolerate all her feedings. So that we could get to go home next week.
Friday, September 23, 2011
09/23/11 Jasmine's condition update
Jasmine has her MRI done today. The result indicates that although the mass on her neck looks bigger, it is not dangerously close to the air way. Therefore, we shouldn't worry too much about her having breathing problem later on. However, her esophagus got pushed a bit due to that mass and the doctors think that it might be the reason why Jasmine is not willing to eat.
Anyway, Jasmine will have to keep the feeding tube with her before she is willing to eat on her own again. And the scariest thing is that I have to learn how to put in the feeding tube!!!
Besides the MRI, the doctor also performed a throat scope on her. I have to step out of the room, as I really don't want to see another equipment being insert into my little's girl body forcefully. Of course Jasmine doesn't like that either, but the bright side is that the test result come out positive.
Anyway, Jasmine will have to keep the feeding tube with her before she is willing to eat on her own again. And the scariest thing is that I have to learn how to put in the feeding tube!!!
Besides the MRI, the doctor also performed a throat scope on her. I have to step out of the room, as I really don't want to see another equipment being insert into my little's girl body forcefully. Of course Jasmine doesn't like that either, but the bright side is that the test result come out positive.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
09/22/11 Jasmine's condition update
Another tough day..........
Jasmine continues with her tube feeding, but the poor girl throws up at one of the feeding sessions. Then she feels so uncomfortable that she just cries non stop, which scares the heck out of me. At last the nurse calms her down by injecting a stronger pain relief medicine.
After all the drama, I almost have an emotion break down. Fortunately, I have a lot of supportive friends who help me through it, and I'm still alive at this point. During my short break from the hospital, my husband told me that Jasmine's temperature is a bit high. That totally freaks me out again but her temperature is back to normal after 15 mins. Due to cautious reasons, the doctor decides to run a blood test on Jasmine. Poor Jasmine has to suffer four pokes before the nurse could get sufficient blood amount for testing.
Since the mass on Jasmine's neck got larger after the surgery, the doctor has scheduled another MRI tomorrow. I know everyone has been praying hard for Jasmine and our family......don't mind me saying this again and again....please continue to keep our family in prayer. Thank you.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
09/21/11 Jasmine's condition update
Jasmine has a swallow study today, and the result indicates that she is swallowing fine. However, we still couldn't figure out why she won't eat from a bottle and eat a lot less than usual.
Jasmine's doctor requests us to feed her 5 times a day. We would try to feed her first (usually she would eat about 50ml of food with spoon...absolutely no bottle or zippy cup) then the rest will be fed by tube. So far she is doing ok....would throw up occasionally but she did gained 0.07 kg today!
The doctor gave her antibiotics to control her minor infection on the wound. She has already use that for two days and she needs to take it for five more days in order to fully utilize the drugs.
Jasmine's doctor requests us to feed her 5 times a day. We would try to feed her first (usually she would eat about 50ml of food with spoon...absolutely no bottle or zippy cup) then the rest will be fed by tube. So far she is doing ok....would throw up occasionally but she did gained 0.07 kg today!
The doctor gave her antibiotics to control her minor infection on the wound. She has already use that for two days and she needs to take it for five more days in order to fully utilize the drugs.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
09/20/11 Jasmine's condition update
It has been a week since Jasmine's surgery and she is still in the hospital. Jasmine is still not quite willing to eat and the doctors have decided to put in a feeding tube today. It was not a pretty scene and I was asking myself "what have I done to my little girl?" " She was fine all along....did I rush on the surgery?" "what have I done to my little girl?"
Jasmine vomits out a bit of her food for her second tube feeding. I really hope that she would get use to the system as soon as possible and keep all the food in her tummy.
Jasmine vomits out a bit of her food for her second tube feeding. I really hope that she would get use to the system as soon as possible and keep all the food in her tummy.
Monday, September 19, 2011
09/19/11 Jasmine's condition update
Jasmine is still not willing to take the bottle, but at least willing to have two small meals that are fed with spoon. Hopefully, her appetite will get better, then she will catch up with her nutrient intake and avoid the feeding tube. Since Jasmine is still not eating very well, she still has an IV intact to her. She is also taking antibiotics, because the doctors are afraid that her wound will get infected.
A nutritionist and an occupation therapist will come re-evaluate her tomorrow, and hopefully we will get a good result.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
09/18/11 Jasmine's condition update
Jasmine is still unwilling to eat, so she still has an IV attached to her little body. All she has today is a small container of baby food.....well, positive side is that she at least eat once today, the negative side is that she is still eating a lot lesser than what she would normal eats.
Her weight loss is not very significant today but it still worries me. I just hope the doctors would be more aggressive and try to find a resolution. I really really want her to eat!
It seems like her pain level has increased, as she is pretty upset and cranky today. Is heartbreaking to see my little girl cries and I just wish that I could suffer for her.
I just continue to pray and hope that God will listen to my prayer and heal my little girl.......God, please answer my prayer!
Her weight loss is not very significant today but it still worries me. I just hope the doctors would be more aggressive and try to find a resolution. I really really want her to eat!
It seems like her pain level has increased, as she is pretty upset and cranky today. Is heartbreaking to see my little girl cries and I just wish that I could suffer for her.
I just continue to pray and hope that God will listen to my prayer and heal my little girl.......God, please answer my prayer!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
09/17/11 Jasmine's condition update
Jasmine has a better mood today, she would smile and play with us occasionally. Step by step, she is acting more like herself. However, she is still unwilling to eat. She has lost some weight already and I'm really worry that she will continue to lose weight and won't get enough nutrients if she doesn't start to catch up with her eating.
Please keep Jasmine in your prayer and pray that she would eat again and get the nutrients that she needs for her recovery.
My little brave warrior!
Friday, September 16, 2011
09/16/11 Jasmine's condition update
Tough tough day today.
After smiling at me in the morning and being called the cutest baby in the hospital, Jasmine refuses to eat and vomits out whatever goes into her tummy.
Doctor has to put an IV into Jasmine now, so that she will get hydrated and hopefully have better control on the pain relief.
Please pray for Jasmine and hope that she will eat by herself again and keep everything in her tummy.
After smiling at me in the morning and being called the cutest baby in the hospital, Jasmine refuses to eat and vomits out whatever goes into her tummy.
Doctor has to put an IV into Jasmine now, so that she will get hydrated and hopefully have better control on the pain relief.
Please pray for Jasmine and hope that she will eat by herself again and keep everything in her tummy.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
09/15/11 Jasmine's condition update
Breathing tube got removed this morning and she has been doing fine with breathing on her own.
She was bleeding quite a bit around the wound, as she is not on sleepy drugs anymore and she is just super active!
Despite the bleeding, she is doing very well and the doctors decided to release her from ICU and now staying in a normal room. Hooray!
She was bleeding quite a bit around the wound, as she is not on sleepy drugs anymore and she is just super active!
Despite the bleeding, she is doing very well and the doctors decided to release her from ICU and now staying in a normal room. Hooray!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
09/14/11 Jasmine's condition update
Jasmine is still sleeping with breathing tube intact in ICU. Everything is well, except for a bit of swelling around the air way. Doctors will keep monitoring her and hope to take out the breathing tube by tonight.
4:22pm. The tube needs to stay in because of the swelling. :(
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
My first surgery
So my doctors at Seattle Children's have finally decided that is about time for my first surgery. This surgery involves removing the mass on my chest and back. The doctors tell me that I will be quite tire and weak after the surgery, so I'm handing the keyboard over to mommy. She will help me update the blog and keep you guys posted.
Please kindly continue to pray for the little warrior. Pray that she won't feel too much pain after she wakes up from the drugs. Pray that she would have a smooth recovery (no fluid leakage from the wound, no infection, normal blood sugar and oxygen level.)
Thank you all for the continuous care and concerns.
Monday, August 29, 2011
2nd hair cut
I think daddy is in love with cutting my hair, as I remember only a few months ago that the "First hair cut" blog was posted.
Anyway, I think daddy does a much better job this time. I guess he is a real pro now.
Anyway, I think daddy does a much better job this time. I guess he is a real pro now.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Trying solid food for the first time
I have been drinking milk for six month and now my parents want to change my diet. What are they thinking? And what is this? Yuck!
Monday, May 30, 2011
First hair cut
Daddy says that my hair is getting too long and is about time to get a hair cut. He also tells me that he is a pro. I'm not sure what he is talking about and here's the end result.
You guys be the judge!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Going out of town
My first time going out of town and I'm so ready for it. All buckle up! Vancouver, BC here I come!
Arrive to the hotel and the bed is huge, I mean HUGE! I'm going to have so much fun rolling on it.
Vacation.....have some milk, watch a little TV, and have a sweet dream....what a life.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
First tummy time
Daddy and mommy say I need to exercise, and I was like what??? So they put me on this play mat thingy, and it feel so comfortable...
It is so comfortable that this is the end result
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I'm going home with mommy and daddy!
Yeah! I'm finally got to go home after spending seven days in the hospital. Mommy and daddy are so happy and prepare some fancy clothes for me!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
A+ for my first test!
After being seen by a lot of specialists, the doctors have me sit in my car seat for two hours. Mommy and daddy tell me that it is a test. In order to go home, I must do well in the test. Man.......I'm only a week old and I'm having my first test???
Well, I guess it isn't a very hard test, as all I do is just sleep (Zzzzz......). I think I slept way beyond two hours.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Go to Seattle Children's hospital
After staying in the NICU at Overlake Hospital for three days, the nurse is putting me in a fancy box. I see mommy and daddy waves at me and tell me that I'm going for a ride.
All buckle up, and off we go!!!!
All buckle up, and off we go!!!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Welcome Jasmine to the world 01/11/2011
Welcome Jasmine to the world!
Weight: 8.8lb
Just like what the doctors had expected when I was still in mommy's tummy, I'm diagnosis with Lymphatic Malformation (LM). I'm not quite sure what LM means, but here's what the doctors had told mommy and daddy:
LMs do not invovle blood vessels. Instead, they involve the lymphatic, or body fluid, system. They result from a blockage or defect of the lymphatic vessels as they are forming. When the lymphatic channels are blocked, this results in excess fluid build-up in both the t issue and the vessels. When this is close to the surface of the skin, you can see a prominent enlargement of the area.
My affected areas are all on the left side of my body: neck, arm, chest. The condition doesn't really bother me, the only thing that bother me is that I can not spend more time with mommy and daddy as the nurse is taking me to the NICU for further observation!
Weight: 8.8lb
Just like what the doctors had expected when I was still in mommy's tummy, I'm diagnosis with Lymphatic Malformation (LM). I'm not quite sure what LM means, but here's what the doctors had told mommy and daddy:
LMs do not invovle blood vessels. Instead, they involve the lymphatic, or body fluid, system. They result from a blockage or defect of the lymphatic vessels as they are forming. When the lymphatic channels are blocked, this results in excess fluid build-up in both the t issue and the vessels. When this is close to the surface of the skin, you can see a prominent enlargement of the area.
My affected areas are all on the left side of my body: neck, arm, chest. The condition doesn't really bother me, the only thing that bother me is that I can not spend more time with mommy and daddy as the nurse is taking me to the NICU for further observation!
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